雷诺阿-Young Holding his Dead Daughter in his Arms
莫迪里阿尼-Young Woman in a Shirt
胡安·米罗-Young Girl
毕加索-Rembrandt Holding the Hand of a Young Woman with Veil (Rembrandt tenant par la main une jeune femme au voile)
毕加索-Portrait of a Young Girl, after Cranach the Younger, II
毕加索-Young Bacchus with Tambourine with a Bacchante (Jeune Bacchus au tambourin avec une baccante)
毕加索-Young Greek Sculptor with His Sculpture: A Man and an Ephebe
毕加索-Flutist and Young Woman with Tambourine
毕加索-Intertwined Minotaur and Young Woman Dreaming Beneath a Window (Minotaure et jeune femme enlacés rêvant sous une fenêtre)
毕加索-Sculptor Before his Sculpture, with Young Girl in a Turban and Sculpted Head