马奈-Flowers in a Crystal Vase
毕加索-Variant of Head (11th supplementary plate) from the illustrated book Non Vouloir
毕加索-Composition with Vase of Flowers (Composition au vase de fleurs)
路易丝·布尔乔亚-Vase of Tears
罗塞蒂-Monna Vanna
马奈-Flowers in a Crystal Vase
毕加索-Old Greek Sculptor with Model, Vase with Three Anemones and Sculpted Self Portrait (Vieux sculpteur Grec avec modèle, vase aux trois anémones et autoportrait sculpté
鄂尔多斯探索秋冬意韵, VERSACE开设La Vacanza系列限时精品店 是日美好事物
毕加索-Variant of Head (11th supplementary plate) from the illustrated book Non Vouloir
毕加索-Composition with Vase of Flowers (Composition au vase de fleurs)